April 22, 2002


"i'm not prude.. i'm catholic."

love... does that exist at this age or are we all too "shallow" and immature? whether or not it does... i don't count making out in the hallways as a display of love.. or even affection. it's about showing off.. or getting some.. but if you want some or you're not getting enough.. get more on your own time in your own place. hugging, kissing, whatever.. that's fine.. that's affectionate. but if you're doing THAT.. no.. stop. "shield my innocent eyes and i shall leap off to my idealistic fantasy world in which i'm oblivious to the harsh realities of life." right. ignorance does not necessarily mean stupidity or naiveness.. some people choose blindness in order to avoid corruption, but they're still well aware of what's going on. never.. ever.. underestimate your doormat. DIRTBAGS. i wish people would care more and look beyond the first layer.. the defense mechanisms.. the plastic smiles or silence.. and see a person as a whole. that's the only way to fall in love.. and why high shool relationships rarely last.
anyone who sings about a pogo stick is nuts..
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