January 20, 2003

10:11 a.m.


i guess it's a good time to talk about the weekend. um...well let's just talk about the concert.

the dude from alkaline trio was really good. very talented. loved his voice.

i didn't really like or know the second band. don't even remember the name.

but the get up kids were really really good. much better than expected. it was just weird that they had one really hott guy in the middle even though he wasn't the lead singer or anything. psh. heh.

one of the best part was the fact that a few of us got really close to the front. and close i mean 2nd row, touching the railing close. i wasn't too affected by the moshing, unlike the other unfortunate ones. but in the beginning i was between two REALLY fat people and it took a lot of energy to squeeze through. also, there was this guy that had his elbow to my back and whenever he would jump up and down, his elbow would hit my back and that really hurt. bastard. and now im all bruised and still swore from all the falls during skiing.

but it was damn good. they played hannah hold on as the last one! yay! mass pike, don't hate me, and 10 minutes were great cause everyone kept jumping up and down and the energy was just so fantastic.

one gross thing, the water bottle i had ended with really warm water inside. ew. but can't complain cause at least i had water. heh.

i love concerts. they always put me a better mood :). but then the next day you wake up and realize nothing has changed and it's not like the world became different after a concert. and that time would be....now. hmm...

don't be a liar. don't say that everything's working when everything's broken.

i miss dbc. i want to go to another one of their concerts.


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