March 18, 2003

11:01 p.m.

be drunk w/ hope

can i just seriously yell at you until i have no more energy or care to yell at you anymore? or would you hate me for actually saying what's on my mind for once after all this time. so much ongoing struggle...

maybe i should just talk about the day and through the mediocrity of it all, i can come to some sense of self.

i watched american idol and kelly clarkson came on and sang. eeh...i don't really like her voice anymore. maybe it's cause her voice sounds so tired and strained. i didn't really like any of the contestants. not like truly like anyways. they were mostly polished...but...idno

and then girls-suck had this great website and i laughed a lot. and another thing, jared changed his website again...looking good =)

studied for bio while watching TV. that isn't too great but i have time tomorrow. the eng. prompt wasn't too bad, hopefully i'll pull off a B+ or something.

hurray for steph for finally asking! the anticipation has ended. i guess we'll do something w/ this kid, and hope the rest will be history. and thanks for trying to help me in the best snowball fashion possible.

i really wanted mash potatoes today! oh well. and i think i know how i want my hair to be cut. but it'll never really look right cause i don't have time/energy in the mornings to curl it. so eeh...who really cares?

i think we'll all be ok...and what a great way to end the night than with this...

Mangorivers: shan i love you and i think you are such a great person and i hope that when we grow up we can all be happy together.

im sure we will ;) "hannah hold on you only disappoint the ones who don't believe" have hope...or something.



if i don't START LIVING SOON i'm going to explode. it's not anger.. just pent up wasted energy and i hate my life. this is hardly LIVING and yes boredom kills but so can i.

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