June 17, 2003

11:19 a.m.


I'm 17.5 today. I just realized it now because diaryland says so. Don't worry, I'm still as naive as ever..eeh..

Fling. A great concept, kind of like utopia, but it really isn't possible, is it? But on the question of why people want flings. Well, that's very simple and I can completely understand why. (but yes i know, it's not possible for me).

It's about physical comfort (credit to girls-suck). I mean, sooner or later, faces will be blurred, conversations will be forgotten, but I probably will always remember the touch, the hand holding, the way I felt in their arms. Maybe it's because sometimes, that's the only connection 2 people make, and to bring feelings/emotions into the whole mess would just be unfair.

I think we would all like to close our eyes, reach out our hands and know that there is someone on the other side to hold them.

And that's all i have to say about that.


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