October 05, 2003

5:47 p.m.

"i put on my overcoat...

...and walked into winter, my teeth chattered rhythms..."

is it sunday already? where did saturday go? oh yeah, i was asleep.

it's been two nights (i think?), so it's rather difficult to write. but so far this weekend, i've gone to a dashboard concert and i've eaten a lot of thai food. about the concert: it was satisfying enough, but less personal than i would have liked. which seems completely banal, i know, but after three poetry responses, i don't have the energy to make it sound the way it really was. uh. as if i could.

i've decided, just hanging out with friends is enough for me, for now. and if that's what i have to look forward to after all of this is over, i'll be pretty damn lucky come second semester.

hurrah for friends. and hurrah for the cold that makes you bundle into the warmth that seems like absolute heaven for just a few short seconds.

"...and i was a kaleidoscope: the snow on my lenses distorting the image of what was only one of you and i didn't know which one to address as all your lips moved."

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