October 10, 2003

11:44 p.m.

go steveson!

aw. where are the seniors in math class now?

oh yeah, they're us. yuck.

oh my head hurts too much. four hours of sleep will do that to you. and i foolishly made my parents pay fifteen dollars to go see the optometrist. money smells.

and on an unrelated note, he wears the same shirts every day. you'd forgive him just for that. aw. and he doesn't even smell (i don't think).

for some reason i thought today was important, so i checked back, but it turns out there were no entries on the 10th. only thing i can think of is that it's the day before i lost my eraser.

hm. painful contraction of brain in head. ow.

...(not much) later: yuck imagine if your brain actually did contract like that. squish.

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