October 12, 2003

12:17 p.m.

I'm such a stupid little girl

(no offense...but yea sure take offense whatever I don't care)

They're just stupid boys. WHO CARES?!?!

So many hours, days, month just thinking about them. Lives spent searching for one, screaming to songs trying to find meaning to love. I can catagorize each song to every moment and each feelings to every boy.

But what's the point? I rather not be so dependent on them. I rather just be detached and stop my stupid longing and worrying because in the end i know if it's really there or not just by looking at one. And please...they don't impress me at all. Not at all. Yea...

Besides I'm too smart for them anyways...(cognitive dissonance).

You know it's going to be alright. So cheer up Emo kid and don't be sad because boys smell.

You can't live with them. Period.


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