November 24, 2003

9:34 p.m.

not waiting forever

I think wanting boys is a lot like wanting to pee; you really can't help it; it's just that annoying feeling in the pit of your stomach that you can never ignore.

It's amazing how old entries can be enlightening. "You don't owe anything to me, but don't expect me not to leave."

I feel so detached from all this. It's like doing stats homework. Instead of actually gambling, I sit and analyze to death the probability of winning vs. losing and if I played 50 times, 95% of the time I would lose X amount. So rather than living, I would always analyze everything little thing to death before ever enjoying the little things...

but now I don't analyze or even think for that matter...and I don't much miss how I used to be. I need to stop listening to the get up kids cause it reminds me of stuff that I'd rather not think about..

Oh heck, what doesn't kill you only makes you realize that what almost killed you was so trivial and that you never want to be that stupid ever again.


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