May 03, 2004

11:10 p.m.

hooray for the most relaxed AP ever

or it could just be the intense sleep deprivation of the night before. or the intense gluttony of the hour before. anyway, i read the time article on teenage brains, and i didn't know whether i should say, gee, isn't it great that all the melodrama and idiocy and laziness have a biological justification after all--or whether i should just feel like crap. then i thought, bollocks to it all, half of it doesn't apply anyway; and then: who the hell do i think i am; and: but then again, it would explain a lot, and wouldn't part of me derive some sort of sick satisfaction in being able to debase it and write it all off as biology? just another way of ascribing to something i hate and then imploding in a mass of revulsion. now: why the heck am i still talking? bollocks.

hooray for the sunshine. boo for the lingering chilliness. hooray...hooray.

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