April 28, 2005

8:44 p.m.

mmm mmm!

whoa i read that quote somewhere also. so many moments of deja vu this week. i wonder if that means that "my life has finally settled down to the boring thing that it..." yeah, you know.

i'm finally not flipping out over how much work i have to do. i'm looking forward to the end of school like nothing else... i wanna be a lazy butt and do nothing even if i know it's only temporary and before i know it i'll be in this crazy crazy place running around like with my head cut off like a chicken.

actually, i am less busy than others. i suppose it's because i spend so much time showering, eating, etc. still, i'm looking forward to a break. and actually seeing the sun during the daytime and not being in lab all the time. just relaxing. ah, it'll be great. except i'll probably get fat.


i can't believe i just said that.
i think it's time for some chocolate cake.

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