June 24, 2006

1:40 p.m.

i remember now

what happened summer after junior year. a bunch of random things. i went to iowa and missed the end of school. hung out with "god" maybe twice. rooney and the first night at willow stream. puerto rico and lots of (virgin) pina coladas. (and sushi, strangely.) kickboxing!!! a lot of baking i think. touching dead bodies. boston/cambridge for the first time. peach picking for the first time, and a nasty bug bite so i had to be on crutches the first week of school. everybody was still listening to dashboard. and i know it's cliche to say that it's kind of a shock to realize suddenly how young we were. but it is. especially now, it just makes me feel old. not older. just old. as if i'm just artificially young right now. i don't know. i don't think i like sleeping in.
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