June 26, 2006

8:26 p.m.


i lost my wallet in a bag somewhere, along with my cow shorts. and i need to buy shampoo.

i hate being time conscious. it makes me feel like i can't have fun if i'm thinking i'll give myself two point five hours before i sleep to do something mindless, because i can only have fun and be mindless if i lose track of time. i haven't lost time since i started working and it worries me that this is how the rest of life will go. maybe the solution here is to rebuild the teepee and live on a reservation. that, or become an alcoholic.

"i'm a coward and i'd rather be judas than me because what point is there in sinning if not to be acclaimed in the end."

... i have a lousy disposition. blahhh. i'm bitter over how summer used to be SUMMER!!!! and i'm almost not a teenager.
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