December 09, 2006

8:00 p.m.

dying for humanity

It's strange to know that single celled organisms are not programmed to die, which means they are immortal. On the other hand, we as humans are complex species that only live for on average 70-80 years. We've learned that individual cells in an multi-organisms are self sacrificial, often going through apoptosis for the greater good of the organism. We as individual humans are like the individuals cells. We are programmed to die, while the human species as a whole is capable of immortality.

I don't really know if there is a point, but it's clear we are all forced martyrs right? (but I guess that defeats the idea of being a martyr)

I'm starting to realize that everything else besides science and math is kind of useless/stupid. They are all but mere mental distractions/exercises that add up to nothing in the grand scheme. I wish I was better at math and computer programming, or at least gave both a try beyond differential equations and advanced computer programming at Stevenson. I know this is a crippling factor for me in the long run.


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