December 12, 2006

8:20 p.m.

not naked

so while i was writing up my last lab report this weekend in the student center (where i stayed for 12 straight hours--i literally did not move from my chair except to pee and buy food) a bunch of people came christmas caroling through the reading room, only they weren't naked, but they were carrying a dead scraggly-looking christmas tree. i kinda wish they had been naked, i think it would've cheered me up a little bit more.

also, at the review session for my last exam before final exams last night, i suddenly felt very young. it was because the TAs were joking about underage drinking during office hours, and i suddenly realized that they were older than me and i was underage. it was a rather vertiginous feeling. and then they were actually drinking. which made me jealous.

all in all, i thank bejeezus the semester is ending. hallelujah.


...of course i still have to get through final exams. balls.

...whoa i just discovered my TA's blog and found out that he went to the decemberists concert...and such a torrent of regret and remorse for lost opportunities did i experience! ...not to still be complaining about missing that concert or anything. but i didn't realize how prevalent the blogging community was. what hole have i been living in. also didn't realize (or had forgotten) what sort of impression MIT gives to people for the first time...the phrases "air of masochism" and "miasma of misery" come to mind. hm.

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