December 18, 2006

9:19 p.m.


The new mates of state cd sounds so much more mature, and that really makes me happy.

Brent doesn't understand my fascination with celebrities. I sometimes don't know either. It's a love/hate relationship. Their lives are vacuous and depressing, and at the same time, fulfilling. I have a hard time describing how I feel about them. Like with Pete Doherty. I put up this one picture of him, looking wasted on stage, with a glowing purple stage. background It epitomizing his own demise as a heroin (and whatever else) addict, as an artist, and as a person. At the same time, we still hold someone like that up on a pedestal. I know, I know. I am part of the problem, not the solution. But does there really need to be a solution? Couldn't that just be? "This society is fucked up, and I'm accepting it"?

I want to be cory kennedy. and I'm sad that I am not.


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