January 20, 2007

2:22 p.m.


g3, you never answer my calls (for a week straight now) why hold out on lovin' me?

I have an exorbitant amount of work to do. There's a party at the fine arts museum tonight. I am restless again. Maybe. There's just so little to do around here. Although, tonight might be fun. Free starbucks, cash bar (unfortunately), and the whole museum to myself and 3998 close friends. It's been cold the last few days here. Wilco and Bright eyes are coming out with new cds/tours soon. Hopefully, I can catch them one of these days. Although, everyone goes to Austin, damnit. Before the semester is over, I need to go to new orleans and get plastered down bourbon street. Ugh, I am spending too much money on alcohol. Being 21 is not kind to my wallet. I don't know if I believe the whole love thing anymore. What was that song? Love is just something that we do. I think it's a madonna song. I'm thinking of another song then. Lover's spit. (broken social scene). gah gah gah.


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