October 08, 2007

10:41 p.m.


So I live on Ashby St, and apparently "they" are going to be building a 23 story skyrise at the end of the street. The residents of this community are really against this plan. There are protest posters, signs, and bumper stickers everywhere. They even created a website about it(see title).

Honestly, I hope they build that skyrise. It's no one's fault that there's no zoning laws in Houston...so why not? I rather have a skyrise that houses many people versus a couple of mansions housing a few people, which is the case in this neighborhood right now. In addition, if they did make the building for living, Rice kids will have another place to live when they choose to live off campus. The location of the building to Rice is wayyy convenient.

Seriously, you rich white folks, STOP POLLUTING THE COMMUNITY WITH YOUR RIDICULOUS SIGNS! Can you guys galvanize as a community for better and more serious issues? This is kind of a disgrace!


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