October 23, 2007

12:04 a.m.

Jason Schwartzman

Dear Jason Schwartzman,

When did you get so irresistible? Why isn't Darjeeling Limited playing in Houston yet? (After all, Rushmore was filmed right here in Houston Tejas...tsk tsk Wes Anderson). I am listening to a duet by you and Zooey (who is beautiful and I still can't believe you two dated because that's just absolutely wonderful) and it's so pretty.

Anyways, I just wanted let you know that you're so talented and successful. How are you able to be this great and have deep thoughts and make great movies while living in the west coast where the sun never sets and everyone is beautiful? I would probably be illiterate if I lived there.

ps: liz, you should watch i heart huckabees...


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