February 27, 2008

9:56 p.m.


my immune system is whack. my fever's gone, but now i'm itchy everywhere...

(this is one more reason not to get pregnant btw. sometimes it does permanent crazy things to your body's biochemistry. so i've heard. also women aren't welcome in as many clinical studies, because they have to assume you're pregnant. no questions asked.)

edit: i think i figured out...my itchiness was due to all the f*cking cold-eeze i've been eating. they should put a freakin' warning label on there...i just gave all my cold-eeze away to some sick guy. maybe i should've warned him.

edit (g3): awwwwww. and i thought we was havin a babyyyy... :*(

edit (G2): whoa...didn't mean to imply that i was expecting...sorry...my brain's been fried for the last few days/weeks...

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