October 09, 2008

11:47 a.m.


i had a dream that i was back in school (but this was my elementary school auditorium with fold-up chairs like during talent shows) and i had to turn in an essay about arrested development. i wrote mine about how their problems are psychological, and any external conflict is just the result of chemical imbalances. it was pretty boring. but, this was just me hiding out, pretending to be in school because i couldn't find a job and my entire extended family got kicked out of my "friend's" family's house, even though we cleaned up after ourselves, because we weren't jewish aristocracy and it was yom kippur. and amy green was dealing drugs to the sometimes lesbian cuban chick in the row behind me. and i turned in my paper late and told the professor that i didn't have a place to sleep. the end.

note: why the heck am i having recurring dreams about amy green? WEIRD.
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