
5:32 p.m.



my shoelace wasn't working today.

now that i got that outta the way, what's with some ppl? my physics partner, if you wanna kno, is SO FREAKIN COMPETITIVE! get my paper back, i turn around and he grabs it. answer a question, i turn around and he's hounding me for my answer. get the gradesheet, i turn around and it's the inquisition all over again. today, it was soooooo...

him: what are you getting?

me: an A (i didn't feel like elaborating)

him: what percent?

(geez it's sooooo coooold my fingers are frozen.)

me: a ninety something

him: ninety what?

me: i don't remember (which i did)

him: you aren't getting an a+?

me: yea, so?

him: oh, i just thought you were slacking for a minute (smile<--grr)

me: ha. ha. (roll my eyes)

him: (hurt expression)

WHAT'S WITH THAT????? GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! some ppl.

is my heater broken?


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