
9:47 a.m.



btw, all the annonymous entries except the first were not me. G3, ya gotta start signing them or it'll get relle confusing. (hehe, remember "confoozing"?)

well what a joy is the thing called tymp. ha ha ha. the only reason i'm in it is so i can go to state. yay, state! except i have a feeling i'll need to be making friends w/ some of the frosh, juniors, or seniors, b/c the other sophs will be...occupied. o, too bad for the guys who dropped tymp...ya didn't realize what a turn on it is for...well, nm.

how fun. i'm going to a boring adult ppl concert today instead of the football game, cuz it's "a once in a relle long time opportunity." and then i'm going to the field museum w/ family & co. prolly meaning my sis's friend(s). that sux, i'm like the tag-along of the family, & i kno i wouldn't be able to

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