December 11, 2002

8:44 p.m.

and the like


everyday i see a few more circles under a few more tired eyes and i'm glad that i'm not alone. which maybe isn't the nicest thing to feel. which maybe means i shouldn't be so selfish. which maybe means i should just stop. just stop. i've had it ok? i must stop. everything. the word i hate the most at the moment is "tolerate". if it were actually something i could grab onto, i think i would tear it apart and mutilate it with a chisel and throw it against a brick wall and then stomp on it a few times for emphasis. or, actually, yeah, maybe i would do that to just about anything i could get my hands on. if i ever really lost it. but to do that, i would need to not sleep at all and when's that gonna happen? why am i rambling? why don't i say something with a purpose? oh yeah, cause i'm stalling..."procrastinating"...and the like.


umm i saw my old picture and suddenly i had a tremendous urge to discover my parents' genotypes and so i ran around looking for them and examined their hair lines but sadly i was unable to decipher so i conclude that i'm an incompetent biology student and...if physics is phun then what is biology? i must find an adjective to go with biology! what could possibly? it's like "orange"...sorta. yum, the orange i ate today was delectable. funny word. someone recycled my vocab words. but the assignment was changed, so i guess that's ok. bye bye, vocabulary log. have fun being recycled. i wonder how you get recycled. do they mush you up or shred you first and maybe they turn you into a chunky paste by soaking you in water. and what do they do about those naughty people who put things like plastic in paper recycling bins? they can't possibly go through all of it, unless they have jobs for that imagine that! hey wait my vocab log wasn't recycled just my lil scrap sheets of paper. oopsies. i spoke wrongly. badly. huh...i must relax and sleep...goodnight...oh i read about hypnosis today in an ap psych book, but it didn't really answer any questions like how it works and if anyone can do it to anyone, but no one even agrees about if it even exists so i suppose i'll never know. if only i could witness a hypnosis...or have one...or give one...or something. hahaha...oh i just remembered. not to remember...ahh, go away...

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