June 10, 2002

screw you hippy.

keep busy, distract the mind.. idleness is a sin.. same with gluttony.. and i'm a double sinner. an idle glutton. oh DARN, too bad.

cows. stupid cows. stupid metaphor. i resent the past for forming the present, the present for being a repeat of the past. not an exact repeat, but nothing unexpected. break free. become a recluse. burn the computer.... i wonder if i'd ever hear from certain people again. we'll see, probably not. impersonal, detached.. i'm tiring.. the mystery died, the test of friendship failed with flying colors.. i'm predictable.. i'm redundant.. i'm an old cow. my life is an old cow. i know everything about these random strangers who know everything about me.. but judge and yee shall be judged. "annoying. arrogant butthole." "obnoxious. whiney bitch." "manly. anger issues." "satanic psycho. needs help." "seems nice. really sweet." "weird. socially dysfunctional." "dirtbag. so hot." no one slips away without a label... it was now or never until the moment passed and letting go never felt so incredibly worthless... screw you. hm, i forgot if i had a point to any of this.. probably not.. i muuuust delete. oh yes g1. and look it up, it's real. [[crud �(krd) n. Slang. A coating or an incrustation of filth or refuse. ]] you might wanna check out those lyrics, too.. cuz i (not you) wish i was with anyone, anywhere, making out.. (ha.. "i used to think that i'd get over everything, but everything just got over me")
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