October 31, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.


like omg, bangs? bangs bangs. yes, bangs. cuteness.. haaaahahahaha. but they were all cute. or funky looking. but no, cute. cute cuuute.. awwwhhh. bangs. haircuts are bad. bangs are nice. omg yay candy? o yeah.

let's all go back in time and de-evolutionize or something. some changes just ruined.. EVERRRYYTHINGGG.. so convert back to the old thoughts, the old looks, the old way of life, when everything was still new and uncorrupt. just for fun, OK?!?!?! MAKE ME HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!111

hm, my sister has 4 boyfriends right now. that's kinda sad. omg, like o well, i should go? yes? ok, night!

and ****-O was his name-o!

(ooohhh yah, you know what i'm talking about)

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