November 15, 2001

9:36 a.m.

boredom anyone?

i'm bored bored bored...

what should i do?

maybe i'll type...

change the font?

that looks nice

let's see how far i get

in a fifty minute class period...

there are 3000 seconds

i could prolly type one key

every 1/2 second

(assuming i type slowly)

plus i have to change the font

every line i type

that would prolly take three

seconds per line

so with an average

of let's say forty keys a line

we'll say it takes about

twenty three seconds per line.

with the time allotted me by

the twenty two minutes left

in class, i'd say that 1320 seconds

divided by 23 equals...

just about equal to

i would have to say desglosar

or descatar

57 or 58 lines left

minus the ones i have already typed

since i started wondering

whether there was enough

time left in class to allow

my twice multiplied boredom

to run out of


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