August 21, 2002

11:53 a.m.

summer's gone bye bye

ah!!!!!!!!! the summer is over. today is the last day! no more: waking up late [haha at 9], watching daytime tv [oprah, the view, good day live, sally, maury, jerry springer, jenny jones], talking to g3 for hours on the phone, baking wiht g2, playing tennis, going on line all the time, driving to no where, working all the time [which is good], listening to dbc all the time, pretty much doing absolutely nothing and enjoying the hell out of it.

julie has a cell fone! yeah! she's at purdue rite now. my girl's all grown up. *sniffles* and mike came over yday and g2 was here. i know i've said this b4, but he's the most perfect human i know. it's hard to explain. he's so damn smart and sweet, you just gotta admire him like u would a role model. but then at the same time, u also poke fun of him for his dense-ness and oddness [his twitching...haha] i love those 2 so much. =)


So long sweet summer,
I stumbled upon you and gracefully basked in your rays.
So long sweet slumber.
I fell into you now you're gracefully falling away

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