October 19, 2001

7:07 p.m.

collaboration of 2 ppl

~G2~ ~*g1*~

2: hey. it's us!

1: i feel dorkier by the moment, i mean i don't know about g2 over here, but im gettin all excited about writing in here!

2: well, i don't think i'm quite as excited as g1 here, but still, i'm pretty excited.

1: today was fun-ish. he was there. no, no that him...but HIM. well he's really really good looking..heh

2: today was cool-ish. that guy, the one that said "the theory of pythagoras", yea, that one, guess what? today, he spoke to me. and he said "bettina". i never knew that "bettina" could sound so beautiful!

1: i never knew a person can be so beautiful until i saw him up close. his smile...is perfect!!! he talks and im like...woah...wow!

2: his name is philip. yes, like the fanatical religious crazy king guy who killed lots of ppl. but i don't relle think of him in that way. philip.

1: he cuts things well.

2: his eyes...

1: his muscles...oh god! those muscles! damn...tight shirts too..:)

2: and he has the most perfect skin! i'm so jealous!!

1: ok so he doesn't have perfect skin...but did u see those muscles? of course u did! it's relie hard to miss.

2: hard to miss. yet oh so easy to miss. well we gotta go now. pizza. bye bye

1: in conclusion, pizza is good. and boys are better.

oh wait....

boys suck!

~*G1*~ ~G2~

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