January 12, 2002

11:08 p.m.

the root of all evil


another pop i.e. popular music debate? for some reason that always seems an "issue". rite, i just realized g1 & i said repeated almost the same lil interchange again from last yr. and g3 again asked what that song was. which means we're getting repetetive. which means we're getting old. but that means nothing, so...um...

i love that foaming hand soap stuff! the kind at uno's, the blue stuff, that's soooo silky smooth on your palms that's already in a luxurious lather for you. yea, that kind. if i could i would take a bath in that stuff.

there was that hot waiter guy at the restaurant again. only this time i went there with my family, not my friends, and i didn't get him as a waiter. but i noticed that everybody at his tables are teens, w/ friends, heh. i think they deliberately seat the teenagers at his tables, unless i'm seeing apples outta oranges or something like that. but he does remind me of my old tennis instructer in a more...delicate way. i think cuz he wears a white uniform & apron & has a pointier nose. my tennis instructer was kinda intimidating. he always smelled like sunscreen, even tho i did too, and he was so tall. and even tho he's only...about four yrs? older than me, he was, not adultish, but just, um, huh. no actually he wasn't scary except for the time when i hit this relle awesome shot to him which was relle more chance & luck but he couldn't return it, and all of a sudden, he was hostile. he was almost mean, so much that i think i actually felt like he might actually, shove me or something. which was a scary feeling for someone a foot taller than you. that wasn't the most pleasant lesson, and i think he became nice again after, but it just wasn't the same. but then again, it was prolly just that competitive male ego thing that always gets touchy especially around sports. but honestly it freaked me out till i had butterflies in my stomach like i used to when i was a kid. male ego's suck. especially when they overblow issues. but girls get competitve about sports, too, so i'm being unfair. only with guys, are they just more insecure or what, because they brag about sports so much more. i'm feeling all belittled again, like right after that tennis lesson. i hate competition. competition is the root of all evil. some say it's money, but relle is competition to get money. and competition for grades, status, popularity, affection, power, etc. that relle make people...not nice. heh, i'm sounding all childish. but i think i have a real problem with competition as in i avoid it like the plague. and that's bad, because competition is everything. ok, that's enough writing for now, i'm getting too into this.


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