November 28, 2001

6:24 p.m.

did you say...cow?


now, normally i wouldn't stoop to responding to low accusations, ahem, but tsk i couldn't resist. first of all i've had that "layout" for a year already, which btw isn't even a layout, just a lil piece of java code to block advertisements. yep, sorry to burst your bubble. aww, tears. second of all, that code was given to me completely voluntarily by alex. with the express advice to use it. o yes, and i specifically left "<--- The Cow Is Now --->" in there to acknowledge the provider and extend my gratitude. i dno what you were doing looking at our source code, but i never even looked at yours, despite my previous knowledge of the ingenious right-click feature accessible by, wonder of wonders, the right mouse button! sadly, you must realize that you are not the only one who knows of this technology. and not only that, i've had that oh-so-valuable source code on this diary from SEPTEMBER. ahem, nice detective work. yea, good job there, ilya.

well, some never cease to amaze. or aggravate. or infuriate. what a pity that i've wasted a whole paragraph on sarcasm. i guess it's time to use this space a lil more productively.

i'd like to extend congratulations to the original creator of the cow, dating all the way back to 1997. a genuine round of applause to g3. and btw, we are going back there, getting our project, somehow putting it on this diary, and gloating. g3, you are the original. bravo to you. seriously.


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