November 27, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.


lol g2.. so i kinda lied. do you really see me bitching THAT much in this thing? sure.. i'll make some comments.. but no.. i still care and don't wanna say everything on my mind. heehee.. yep.

ha, wow. he's pretty cute. no, really cute.. but i prolly just have bad taste...(HAHAHAHA.. yeah..) i hope it isn't true that he has a gf.. cuz.. oh hell, lol, i don't care, good for him if he does. heh.. that reminds me. i apparently have a "dirty mouth". i never really THOUGHT about it.. but i say hell and crap a lot.. i don't even consider those two bad.. i thought no one did.. but i guess not.

i hope it snows soon. . .

[ahhh g1.. not him.. freakish.]

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