November 14, 2001

9:48 a.m.

english class

it's ok for girls to stalk guys. it's natural it's normal. it can even be "cute". but when a guy stalks a girl...that's just wrong. it's more than wrong. it's just plain creepy! very creepy.

mebe g2 relie enjoys her english class...but i seriously can't stand mine. i don't know. english class is just stupid. how can someone really teach us how to read and write well? i hate analyzing books too. i mean when teachers or students for that matter start analyzing a me just feels like such bullshit. relie. just randomly saying stupid things about a book. like a book can really enlighten me. also i don't like doing essays in that class. all u have to do is use words like depict, convey, destruction, deteriation in your thesis..and the teacher will give you at least a b. ugh! i hate english class..such bs!


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