November 17, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.


whoa.. what the hell did i do..? when was i mocking you or saying anything about you being a housewife? i don't remember that.. i know you said it once with the sausages, and i know that was a joke (i mean come on.. sausages..), and i never held that to you or anything. g2 changed the thingie.. i liked it when it was the old way except bloo instead of pink.. and i think you took what i said about the pinkness the wronnnnngg way. i wasn't mocking. i was genuinely wondering if you would be pissed off about the change, and obviously.. yeah.. you are.. but no, i didn't change it.. so i dunno why you mentioned mocking.. unless i did something but was too stoopid to notice.. which could happen. sorry..

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