
10:17 a.m.


i can tell you i'll be there for you, always and forever.

but that would be a lie.

we can promise each other we'll be friends 'till the end of time.

but sooner and later that promise will be broken.

we can sit under the skyline and wish upon that star and whisper "friends forever, okay?"

but forever only lasts so long.

i wanted to be friends with her forever...best friends always.

she told me not to wish, she told me not to make a pact...she told me that whatever happens will happen, no need to promise anything.Things will turn out as they should...she was always the wiser of the two of us

i lost that friend, she's a stranger to me now. we've talked on the phone a few times since i moved...we didn't connect. she lived in her world, and i lived in mine. our worlds were only 15 miles apart.

no matter how much i loved her, no matter how much i wanted her to stay in my life, no matter how much i needed her to be my best friend, that 15 miles kept us apart.

she was my best friend, and now she's all but a memory, a distant companion. a person i sat with on the monkey bars talking about boys and school. the girl i couldn't wait to call b/c i wanted to tell her everything that happened in my day. we laughed so much together one time our other friends locked us out of their house cause they felt left out. it was me and her. never apart. she was my best friend, and when i look back on it. she was a true friend. she understood me...better than anyone else could. it saddens me that i have to use past tense when talkin about her now. 2 years...and she's only a memory.

*dedicated to Inna


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