
8:59 p.m.

geekiness! it's contagious!

lalala...u know what..failing is hard to do, relie! i got like a D on my math test. okay okay..a D+ (go me)...this hasn't happened to me since when i was in 6th grade and i failed my latin test in this high english program (H.E.P) and i was crying relie hard and i was in front of the whole enrichment class, yes all 8 of us, and i was just sobbing my head off well time has changed, or at least i have a cum. so i wasn't too worried...i don't think..but it is hard to fail. the teacher scaled our test and i ended up w. a C-..(go me again) and then i checked my 6 wks grade today, im getting an A-! how in the h*ll does that work out???? i mean yes, i did do well in math preceding the test...but it was a MAJOR test..and it didn't even drop a letter grade. im sorta dissappointed...seriously. :(

wow...now I really feel geeky..or at least a geek who tries not to be one...poo.


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