June 28, 2002

10:14 p.m.

darn geese


darn geese. guess what happened to me yesterday. i'm biking home when i see a flock of geese pooping on the sidewalk ahead of me. i start edging closer, when this little honker starts hissing at me! now i've heard horror stories of lost eyeballs and bruised shins due to pecking canadian geese and even witnessed an attack during english class, so i immediately turn tail, but in instinctively backpedaling i miss the pedal and bruise my shin anyway. and as if that's not enough, i had to bike around the park on very lumpy, poorly mown grass to avoid the geese, which wasn't very comfortable on a bike seat that starts hurting your rear after ten minutes. i would've written about this yesterday if it didn't hurt to sit down, as cushy as this chair is. darn geese. i bet they wouldn't have hissed if i were in a car. not that i would've done anything anyway since i break for animals. they should be grateful such people exist. in fact, i've never seen a car that didn't break for a bunch of geese. what's with this hostile hissing anyway? darn geese.


p.s. i got a hair cut and it felt wonnnnderful. really, guys don't know what they're missing, having someone snip at two feet of your hair for half an hour.

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