January 05, 2002

42:42 o.m.g.


ugh... i don't want to go back to school monday.. this winter break has been awesome.. even when i did nothing i enjoyed it.. but now, it's over. awwwwh. at least there's still something to look forward to, after finals.. hehe.. that'll be different. maybe i'll actually not make as bad as an impression as i normally do. lol. that's doubtful.

i noticed i hardly look anyone in the eye while talking... i mean, i'll make eye contact with friends, but not really anyone else. for example.. talking in class. i don't look at the teacher when called on.. i'll stare at the desk. whoa, that must look really messed up. eye contact. yeah. i have to work on that. that's like.. beyond the pathetic realm of shyness. oh well.

ahhh crap, i have to go babysit in 10ish minutes. fun fun fun! blah, i like such guyish music. why don't girls ever sing/write like guys? there's no doubt.. but.. idunno, that's about it. then again, there aren't too many guys in pop now, also... that's mainly made up of girls.. even nsync has changed the way they sound. oddness. lol.. girls singing guyish songs.. that'd sound.. weird.. especially if it was some kinda screaming crazy song.. so yeah, i guess that's why they don't do that. or something. lala. idunno. ceerrrrrap. i'm not going to be able to handle wakin up at 6 in the morning.. i kinda wanna fall asleep now, but it's too early. ugh. i'm screwed.

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