December 30, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.


haha, i'm so pathetic.. but hey, i only meant a break on thinking entries. i was reading through old stuff and i burst out laughing.. it wasn't funny then, but now it is.. in a very twisted, ironic way it's hilarious. damn. i've drifted. i don't think i ever wanted to, but i did. oh well. that's nice i guess, right? so. um. hm. ok.

?: no i didnt tell him
?: ive found people get mad when i tell others things that they say to me
me: hehehehe.. yep.. thats usually it..

lol.. it's another one of those events that made no sense until the future. it's so odd.. everything comes full circle.. or at least so far, a lot in my life seemed to have happened for a reason.. answers first, questions later.. so i view what i learn as pointless until it completes some type of puzzle. it has always been like that, as far as i know.. but then again, i haven't had one of those "normal" lives.. except i wouldn't change any aspect of my past.

oh wait, maybe one thing....

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