July 26, 2002

12:00 a.m.

deja vu...? coincidence? umm...oprah?


whoa. whoa. i just saw my fourth grade math teacher in the audience on oprah. is that not very very weird??? at first i thought i was imagining things, but i run to my yearbook, and there she is! exactly the same! these past seven years really don't show on her. wow. maybe it's her younger twin sister. but wait, isn't that impossible? to be born seven years apart, that is. for twins. that's me and my sis. seven years apart. a lifetime. do you know what i did the first seven years of my life? i was a wild child. heh, well no, not really. but as close to it as i'll ever be, i guess. weird...how some things just jump up in front of you at the most unexpected times. i was pretty sure i'd never see her again, ever. and then there she is, on oprah! hehe, i'm pretty sure i'm never gonna see any of the seniors ever again, but who knows? maybe they'll pop up on oprah. or the view. or jerry. ah, no, that's mean. no one i know is gonna be on jerry. bunch of white trash (the green mile). well that's enough rambling through the woods for now...brambles, rambles, rambles through the brambles in the woods. oh. bye.


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