
2:19 p.m.


i'm babysitting in 2 hours and i have no idea how that's going to go.. ever since this summer i haven't wanted to do that again.. all because of my sister. i asked her if i could take over her babysitting jobs when she left for school.. instead of giving me a direct answer, she told me that they wanted her as a role model, not just to watch the kids. in other words: no, i'm not decent enough. well, i guess i'd be a horrible role model for any little kid, especially since the girls i'm watching dress better (idno.. i'm just not into that whole backless halter top thing.. but they are..) and stuff.. but i never really considered that until she said it. i mean, i've babysat before and the kids were always nice and wanted me back.. but i never thought about the fact that somehow i was influencing them.. which can never be a good thing. hehe, how pathetic.. but oh well.. i'm hoping it won't be too bad, and i should be getting $50, so woohoo and all that stuff.

oh, and thanks to g1 i had another bad dream (COUGH COUGH) that i don't care to share. then i woke up with the random thought in my mind.. to not care whether you live or die is to be immortal. i could see that on a psychotic fortune cookie or something. hmm, maybe that can be my future.. i'd make the best fortune cookies and wouldn't write too many of those stupid little sayings about grass.. i can do that instead of my psychic hotline. :D whoa, but who ARE the people who do that? do they like have offices and everything? weirdness.. i wanna know.


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