November 19, 2001

42:42 o.m.g.

the corruptionnnnn..

heh..hehehehe.. hehe.. :) yeah. 11 year olds are so corrupt(lol) and i know some people that blame it on britney spears. so for once i wanna say something about that.. i'm not in that great of a mood.. my brother and his friend were talking to 6 different girls at once.. they're 11.. i keep seeing 11 year olds wearing hardly ANYTHING.. and now i feel like such a prude old fart for believing that it is WRONG for 11 year olds to start doing drugs, drinking, and having gf/bf's.. and.... doing stuff.. that it's too young. 7th grade it's a little more sensible, but 6th grade.. i don't remember it being THAT bad in 6th grade.. there were some people like that, but not as much as there are now. lol. it's just not cute..

heh.. in defense of britney.. sure, she dresses a little slutty, but the dressing doesn't IMPLY anything. you don't see her posing nude (i hope to g*d (lol :D)) and saying to little kiddies.. "omg u guys, i got drunk at diz wild partie with muh bf justin and now like i culd be pregant cuz like wow we went at it al night!!!" it's NOT HER that's screwing everyone up.. the clothes on some girls are actually cute.. and people have always tried to fit society's "perfect image" of beauty.. look at barbie. that evil doll b---h has screwed up so many people's lives because of the idolization.. a figure they could never reach. so, britney isn't what "corrupted" everyone... she's still a kid herself.. she's not to blame.. but something is (the media? lmao... this whole entry is so funny..). unless nothing is and no one is corrupt. but.. heh.. this is mainly meant to a..

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