November 13, 2001

5:51 p.m.



so about that experiment, these lil itty bitty infants bout six semaines old were tied to a string, i mean their hand was, and they were tugged, the strings, and when it did, the telly they were watching changed, flashing pics i kno, fascinating, but when the scientists disconnected the switch flipper thing, the GUY babies and the GRL babies did diff, weird things.

the GUYS tugged, nuthin happened, they tugged harder, nuthing, again, nuthing, and just reach over w/ their other hand and YANK! (slow learners? hehe)

the GRLS tugged, nuthin, tugged again, nuthing, looked around forlornly, and burst into tears.

interesting, huh? guys get mad, and grls cry. guys think grls are being manipulative when they cry, grls don't understand why they're gettting mad, and they cry.

i saw somewhere that guys act OUT while grls act IN, keep things to themselves. so grls are more likely to be depressed? but i dno if that's true. but if it is that would suck.

caffeine duz bad things to me. every tues and thurs after school i just have too much energy. it's like being drunk. only i've never been drunk. i guess i need to be drunk at least once before i die. only i hope i don't die cuz i am drunk. we're talking about DUI in dr ed...

i realize that public speaking is not so bad unless you have to bs something. then i get nervous, and my tummy feels funny. i don't understand why i can't just lie. it shouldn't be that hard. i think it's cuz i think too slowly. "uh oh, i don't wanna answer that question, should i lie, but what lie wouldn't be the most obvious, ummm, what do i do, is it worth it to lie, ummm..." that's basically how it goes. i don't understand. i never had any trouble lying about practicing piano in second grade. what happened to me????

i wonder if chinese works here...�����_

that works! or maybe not.

the pilot on the plane gave this speech about sept 11, and he was like, "i know many ppl feel that there's a much greater risk, but i congratulate you for flying." ?! is that supposed to make us feel better? security is relle bad. i think my jacket is like my security blanket. i feel lost and fragile w/o it. yes that annoying swishy blue jacket. i almost freaked out when i thought i lost it, kinda like jocelyn's physics notes.


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