September 17, 2002

8:04 p.m.



i need a trampoline. or something to relieve my urge to "frolic." all this pent-up energy during school...or rather, energy i don't have until i'm left with nothing to do. where's my happy medium? i want one...speaking of. falling asleep in computers...i must do something about that. but it feels so good to close your eyes and let your mind wander. hey, maybe that's what i'll do now. lay in bed, close my eyes, listen to music, and wander. wanderer. you know those stories about a mysterious wanderer who comes into a town and completely changes it and inspires everyone and whatnot and then leaves without a trace, and no one even remembers the wanderer but everything's changed? yeah...what a lonely life for the wanderer. i had a nightmare one time that i was the very last person on earth, and i ran around my neighborhood banging on doors and ringing bells but no one was there. i was terrified i would be alone forever. i had a ton of nightmares when i was a kid. i wonder why i don't get any now. maybe i'll "wander" about that now. ha ha, you get it? wonder, wander? ha. ha. ok, i'm done for the day. it's hopeless. there is no way anything intelligent is gonna come outta my head. no point in doing homework. goodbye, i'll go wander.


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