June 08, 2003

7:46 p.m.


So, while we were playing tag at the beach yesterday, I remember that i ran into some dead fish and apparently some wood because later that night i realized my big toe was hurting a lot and as i examined it, it looked as if there were 5 small pieces of wood stuck in it...well very little...like needle thin..but still!. Argh..and it hurt all night long and finally my dad took all five of them out using a real needle. AAAHHH! During the entire time, i was like "hmm..well if you were a masochist you'd enjoy this"...and i guess that kept me thinking about something other than the pain. Stupid wood.

So, yea i do think Tony Parker is cute =) but apparently im not the only one! According to ming, he's one of People's most sexist people...so ha. Spurs: first sean elliot now Tony parker. hehe..1-1 so far...They better win today!

Kick boxing starting tomorrow...I better be ready for the eternal sores. Actually i can't wait for them. Bring it on...hah.

Ashton Kucher + Demine Moore (Sp?) are a couple. wtf??? Oh Michael...(I'm so jackie..haha)


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