June 08, 2003

9:24 p.m.



looking forward to fun in the sun. fun in the sun and seeing a humongous satellite dish. which i think was in Contact. but probably you can't get that close and the humongous thing will look tiny tiny small. i have the biggest urge to say the word "humongo" right now...no it's not a word. maybe it was in James Bond too, that big huge thing. ack, i have no idea.

perhaps i will get tan and burn. i hope not. i have a humongo headache right now. probably from bad sleep. i don't think i'm un-stressed enough yet, because i can't sleep well. or maybe it's eating dinner at 12:00 a.m. maybe that's it. packing takes a long time. i've been doing a lot of that lately. eh...my head hurts.


DAMMIT! my caribou coupons! damn. oh well. no free coffee for me.

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