July 23, 2003

11:59 a.m.


Alex, maybe you just know how to keep your men happy. ;)

I was going to write something rather sentimental but I'll just save that until the end of summer.

cHarmZgirL23 (11:21:38 AM): wassup
WazUp888 (11:24:15 AM): I actually just registor for the mystry shopper
cHarmZgirL23 (11:25:29 AM): that's evil
cHarmZgirL23 (11:25:31 AM): i work at Jewel
WazUp888 (11:25:50 AM): is evil good?
cHarmZgirL23 (11:26:18 AM): no

Earlier today at Kickboxing:
random girl: I'm tired
me: Did you not get enough sleep?
her: No, I'm really hung over.
me: oh. (puzzled)


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