August 12, 2003

8:38 p.m.

For purely aesthetic reasons...

I know you're probably into punk rock, seeing how you wear that bracelet fit for a dog-chain, and you have the right belt chain, the rebel tshirt, and even the cool hair, and you're not too tall but your gray eyes make up for it, and it's just that mysterious persona that you play off of, but i think i can just fall in love with all of that, the entire package, and you don't even have to say a word cause you like jolly ranchers the old fashioned way and you heard me complaining about the new chewy center and agreed and by that point i was already in love so you don't even have to say anything because i know you have a gf and you're much too cool for me anyways, but still i think you're really cute...just in case you were wondering. -g1

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