April 10, 2004

1:04 p.m.

Northwestern Visit

After probably the quickest meal ever at a resturant (especially at the amirable Joyee's) Liz and I attended one of Ally's (Yiran's) creative writing classes. I mean the class wasn't extraordinary or anything, but the whole atmosphere got me really excited for college. She steps out and some guy threw her a freesbie. I mean stuff like that don't happen in real life, only in the movies where they make up what real life should be. Hehe...living with boys should be a good experience. Too bad that Chicago weather sucks ass b/c NW is right by the beach and that has a lot of potential for relaxation and fun if not for the below zero weather. I'm talking like I'm actually going to NW...Ally talked about her interesting adventure in Mexico, which reminds me Houston isn't too far away from the border...teetee... according to weather.com, Houston is 79 degrees right now (but feels like 81).


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