June 19, 2004

11:21 a.m.


I'm at Huai-An right now, visiting my grandmother's estranged husband (aka...my grandfather) Something about the communists...screwing things up in the past, but i think my entire family likes the Commies...probably because they're good to the old folks. I don't want to age. It's being around old people that makes me realize that we are mortal, youth is fucking fleeting (alliteration!), and I am going to go through menopause and die. Ugh...I better enjoy college.

On another note, I'm losing weight! oh and imagine: Green Tea Flavored toothpaste. I still can't decide if i like it or not...

Liz, I lost my nalgene waterbottle! Maybe it's in a car in Shanghai somewhere. I want it back, I even bought one of those keychains that matches the color of the bottle...bleh.


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