October 24, 2006

3:13 p.m.

there's my cure on ice

i don't know who your boyfriend who is...i don't know

listening to old bands/old songs again. passed out last night with a monster headache. i think it was the 1/2 bottle of advil i've consumed over the last two weeks. drugs and me don't mix.

i've also been really super stressed all day, but i don't know about what. because after this morning, it's smooth sailing for the rest of the week, until right before monday. and i guess a little before then too. maybe i'm just not used to getting up at 5:40 in the morning. could be.

this displaced stress is exhausting. and this cold weather makes me want to burrow into bed all day, or bundle up in a blanket and sit in a comfy chair and drink tea. such small, unattainable desires. sigh.

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